Panajam Pasir Utara

>> Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Deer Breeding is located in Waru District, Penajam Paser Utara regency, according to SK East Kalimantan No14/BPN-16/UM-05/111-1990 is reserved farm with 1000 Ha width for breeding area, but finite has just exploited and have been fenced with 50Ha width. It is build in 1996 last year. The location is side of joint streets Tanah Grogot Penajam (about 103 km from Tanah Grogot). Beside as place of tourism object, this place also applied as place of breeding and conservation various deer population types till now (July 2002) about 109 tails, deer types being breed is Sambar deer (Cervus Unicolor Brokei) and Timor deer (Cervus Timorensis), with detail adult 30 tails, female 35 tails, child and each female child 22 tails. Now have been done cooperation with The Institute of Indonesia Science (LIPI) in 'Potensi Ternak Rusa' sector.



Balikpapan is recognized also with title oil town. If You resided in plane that is soon land in Balikpapan, hence from the air will seen a lot of oil conveyor ships reside in the beach whereas a number of oil bridges seen to stand up steady in the beach. Refinery Balikpapan located in edge of 'Teluk Balikpapan' cover area with 2,5 km width. This factory processed crude oil functioned to become ready products in marketing that is 'BBM' and 'Non BBM' for requirement of east Indonesia area. Because this oil, Balikpapan has developed become going forward town with various and modern town facilities. Sepinggan International Airlines and Hajji Embarkation becomes indicator for Balikpapan as very onward town in Kalimantan. Various star hotels five and restaurants international class made available in this town. As a modern town, Balikpapan also crowded with activity of entertainment amusement. Balikpapan City is commercial area where various hotels, restaurant and shop resided. Balikpapan Shopping Centre is residing in street between Sudirman Street and Ahmad Yani Street that is have become one of city symbol.

Melawai Beach
Melawai Beach, which is located dealt with this Jend Sudirman Street, is place of where the merchant's sell has assorted the delicious food and beverage with cheap price. Visitors can sit on the mat and enjoy the wave splashing and see the ships, which is sailing, yoke and also being reduce charge in Semayang port.

Crocodile Tertip Breeding
Crocodile Teritip Breeding is residing in east of the airport, 27 Km from downtown, there is place of crocodile breeding. Visitor can feed to crocodile with a chicken that bought in that place, seems become entertainment amusement for some people. The numbers of crocodiles in breeding with 5 Ha widths are about 3000 tails that consisted of three types that is Muara Crocodile, Supit Crocodile and Swamp Crocodile. This location can reach by joining with others city transport No 7.

Japan Canon
About 8 Km from the downtown in Kampung Baru Ilir countrysides, Asrama Hill area there is an omission cannon of Japan army. The position of this cannon indicates that Balikpapan is strategic defense place. From a place of 2500 m2 width we can see Balikpapan City, refinery and Balikpapan bay. This location can reach using city transport No 5 and No 6.

Wanawisata Garden
This Wanawisata Garden located in Km 10, Soekarno Hatta Street, 15 minutes join with others common vehicle from Balikpapan downtown. In garden, which built by PT Inhutani I, there is various birches and fruits rareness, there is also pounced deer breeding (servus unicolor). This place equipped with trek or special line for having athletics to jog and camping area in open nature with fresh area.

Bapakai Garden
Bakapai Garden Jend Sudirman Street, in front of PLN office there is Bakapai Garden. In the middle of garden there is monument made from stainless steel material depicting the exit of oil blast from earth stomach. At night, from the inside of this monument, there is water fountain that exit being allied with light, so it beautiful forms. This location suited for relaxing with the family.

Manggar Segarasari Beach
Manggar Segarasari Beach is broadly 13000 m2 has clear seawater, small waves and white sand. This beach is balmy place for they, who wish to play, sail and also volley beach. Place that opened start at six mornings so at six evenings is reachable with personal vehicle and also public vehicle number 7. The Beach location is resided in Manggar and Teritip sub-district with distance 9 Km from Sepinggan Airlines or 22 Km from Balikpapan downtown.

Agro Tourism Garden
Agro Tourism Garden had declared in 17 Decembers 1997 have 100 hectares width area. In this garden, the visitor can enjoy tropical crop types. This garden is also equipped with picnic place and resting place with some facilities, such as: long house (wedding-bed decorative) with Dayak ornaments, camping place (camping ground) and children play arena (play ground). Agro Tourism Garden is located in Soekarno Hatta Street Km 23 and reachable with route city transport No 8.



Around Sangata, which is the capital of Kutai Timur regency there are a number of interesting tourism objects to be visited for example Lombok Bay Beach and Perancis Bay. Both of this locations are located not far from Sangata city and reachable using line earned, fringe the beach about 15 Km from the city. Birah-birahan Island is located in Sangkulirang District. This island is reachable using motor ship quickly from Sangata or Benua Baru, Sangkulirang. Besides have its sea panoramic scenery, this island also, has beauty of under sea like Marine Park with variety of beautiful sea rock and decorative fish multifarious. Pangadan Cave located in Pangandaan village, about Sangkulirang - Muara Wahau roadway, its about 20 Km from Sangata city and can be gone through with vehicle. The fascination of his tourism object is cave hole that is long enough and in it there is stalactite and stalagmite that formed from nature process during hundreds of year. Some form of stalactite - stalagmite for example is in lemonade straw form, mug, crystal glowed, transparent plate and chicken spur form. Besides, in this location there is also source of temperature wellspring. 'Long Segar' and 'Long Noran' is two rich villages fascination of art would be cultural and crafting like weapon Mandau, traditional statue and house is decorative wedding-bed. Both of this neighbor villages have admission in Muara Wahau district and located in Wahau riverbank. To visit this place is reachable with river ship from Samarinda fringe Wahau River.



Tarakan is island town, which located near with Sabah, Malaysia frontier. According to history, Tarakan have ever become location of venomous encounter at Second World War between Japan armies and Australian army. 235 Australian armies died at the encounter. Some houses in Tarakan still having stripper cannon rest of world war that put down in house yard as supply of garden and lawn. In Tarakan there is Australian army cenotaph in location, which is become a military complex. This cenotaph is built in memory of coping to die Australian army to free Tarakan from Japan occupying. In other location there is Japan grave residing in ex Japan bunker in hilly area. This tourism object in Tarakan for example Amal Beach is a parting 11 Km from the downtown. This beach has coconut panorama to wave with beautiful panorama. About 4 Km from the downtown, in Masjid Markoni Street Gang III there is 'Tugu Perabuan Jepang' that built in 1933. This monument is square equipped with article Kanji and is place of obsequies the dying Japanese corpse



Nunukan Regency is the capital of Nunukan Regency. This area about Neighboring with Malaysia State that is Tawau city. Nunukan city is a real strategic town as the gateway of East Kalimantan upstate, so that the facilities and basic facilities for foreign tourist need improving although in Nunukan city there is Hotel, Restaurant and hotspot. Tourism object such as; Batu Lumapu tourism, resides in Sebatik island where there is extent of wide coast when low tide and it is said there is a stone arising called Batu Lumapu. This location is against Nunukan Island.

Nyamuk River
In this area, the resident cultivate peppercorn and chocolate. So this area yields chocolate fruits and peppercorn. For tourists who want to visit this area can earn directly from Tarakan or through Nunukan then continue the journey to Nyamuk Island.

Long Bawa Kayan
Long Bawan in mountain area that abutting on Sabah has dwelt by Lundaye tribe The Lundaye tribe culture art typical is Traditionaly Ceremony Nyumpai Semarang Mei Ulung, Parisanan Dance and Baritubang. In this area there is pioneer airfield with plane from Tarakan. Kayan district is famous with population of buffalo livestock and as a symbol for paddy, paddy producer and nature salt producer.


Data Dian

Data Dian is the capital city of Kayan Hilir district and this area also close to frontier Malaysia State. The original society of Data Dian is Aborigin. They are the first resident who inhabiting in backwoods of Kayan River, so that the longest River in Malinau regency have estuary to Bulungan Regency is Kayan River. Kayan River area is very famous with rafting that is one rafting activities.
Long Ampung is located in Long Ampung village Long Ampung is stepped aside Kayan River. There is airfield Perintis that in recognize as Lapter Long Ampung in Apo Kayan Area village. In this village dwelt by Dayak Kenyah Lepo Jalau tribes and they very diligent grew crops. And they also have 'Lamin custom' so that its culture is in this area. For tourist who will visit this village can apply plane DAS from Samarinda - Long Ampung.



Long Mungan is reside in Pujungan river is: Jeram Beluwe, Cow, Luu, Noa, Entaa Liang, Bearau, Pangin, Baliu, Mading, Lung, Lesung, Alo, Badeng, Telasu, Buet, Enta Talang, Monkey, Wung, Abye, Luhung, Geng Batu Baya, Enta Lunuk, Loang Pande, Kaa Miung, Kerabang, Long Beluah, Long Uan, Tako, Kaa Besun, Kaa Kaleng, Bekai Paying, Bulo Latung, Anye Bung, Mop, Long Mejan, Dayak Kenyah Tribe who live in Pujungan district that is: Urna Lasan, Amaryllis, Pua, Lepo Ke, Lepo Maut, Uma Lung, Punan Benalui, Uma Alim, Badeng, Leppo Ngibun and Lepo Entang. The varieties generate variety of culture art. If you wished to visit this location, it can apply longboat from Selor Bay Long Peso - Long Pujungan.

Long Nawang resides in riparian Kayan River and abuts on Serawak. Long Nawang is the capital Kayan Hulu district that is ahead recognized as Apo Kayan. Here central both of Dayak Kenyah tribe center artistry culture is not custom in. The distance from Long Serawak with Long Lawang is about 570 km. This area has the history evidence of colonization epoch with ex country doorstep and Dutch army grave. Sambudurut village located of crossed of Malinau city and in this countrified dwelt by Dayak Punan tribe. Besides alongside Tubo river also there is a tribe Dayak Punan village. Where this Punan tribe people is recognized as agility to hunt and expert to make clipper and clipper poison and cane mat. For tourist who wish to visit this Dayak Punan tribe area through Tarakan towards to Malinau and after get rent Longboat to Dayak Punan tribe location with Guide by the local guide Malinau.


Pasir Regency

Palm Plantation is located about 120 km from Tanah Grogot. Nature panorama with extent of coconut garden, which is wide with fresh air, is place of agro tourism object that interesting to be visited.

Tengkorak Cave
This place is located in Jemparing village with approximately distance 55 km from Tanah Grogot. In this cave there is skulls fossil. For towards this location can be gone through supporting facilities for transportation of wheel 4 and wheel 2vehicle.

Doyan Turu Waterfall
Doyam Turu Waterfall is located in Lempesu village, 27 km from Tanah Grogot. Be favorite tourism object and have recreation, enjoying beautiful nature glamour and cold atmosphere. In this place are available booths for visitor.



Tenggarong which is located 39 Km in northwest Samarinda during then is capital of Sultanate Kutai. The town is residing in Mahakam riverbank with people about 50 thousand mans; there is ex Kutai Empire, which now functioning as museum. This palace built by Dutch in year 1930 replaces wood building stripper palace that falling to pieces combustible. The Museum has collection of objects from Sultanate Kutai period and Dayak Tribes culture objects. The museum collection is impressing property of stripper ceramics jar of Chinese from dynasty Yuan, Ming and Qing period and now Sultanate Kutai is animated. Every year in September in Tenggarong is performed a Erau Festival that taking place during one finite two weeks. Dayak public who come from various areas in Kalimantan follows this event. At this event is performed custom ceremony and various dances that show by the Dayak dressy custom dancers. Kumala Island is newest tourism object in Kutai with solidarity between traditional and modern with complete facilities.



Melak is the biggest city upriver of Mahakam River, this famous town with 'Cagar Nam Anggrek Kersik Luwai' where about 72 different orchid species has grew in this place include a real rareness orchid 'Cologenia Pandurata'. Nicest time to see orchid in this place is in January and February. The location of orchid garden is about 16 Km from Melak, which is reachable with renting vehicle of jeep or motorcycle. Various event of interesting customs is frequently performed in Melak like marriage ceremony, healing, death, buffalo cut ceremony and others. Healing ceremony, which is often performed usually in each March, April and June. The regional around Melak, in west side of Mahakam River, be plateau area (plateau) where in adjoining there is Barong Tongkok village, which is reachable by joining with others motorcycle or minibus public transport. This public vehicle would continuously finite to Eheng. In Barong Tongkok is available booth and Putri Tanjung Hotel. In Eheng there is an original long house, property of local public. It is told original, because this customhouse being built in 1960 still be dwelt by 32 Dayak Banuaq families. The possibilities of this long house become the last Dayak ash customhouse that built without subsidy from government.

Between Barong Tongkok and Eheng that is in Mencimai there is a museum agriculture of Dayak public that built by agricultural economy student from Japan who interesting with the public culture. In this museum is explained for example way of Dayak publics hunt animal (pig and monkey) in forest, way of collecting made, and way of making clothes from bark. This Museum also has collection of weapon mandau and tool from cane.

Long Iram is a calm village and peace. Here there are a number of omission buildings in colonial period. This village usually becomes perambulation end point Mahakam River. The journey farther upstream from this Long Iram has been difficult to be done by the river condition that is not enables to be passed by speedboat. But if the condition is enable farther upstream journey able to be done. Not far from Long Iram (3 Km) there is Gap Lake where you can explore the lake that become monkey habitat by rent some ships, which available. From Gap Lake journey can be continued to Tering - ama where there is a real impressing church.

If the condition has enable you can continue the farther upstream journey, hence the interesting place, which can be visited after Long Iram is Datah Bilang. This area is Dayak Kenyah tribe public region who believing in Protestant Christian moving to this area in 1970 from their area before in Apokayan. The Dayak Kenyah woman in this place have long ear because decorate by a decoration as ballast.


Kutai National Park

In national park area about 200 thousand hectares width is safe fauna and floral properties include animal and rareness plant that protected like orang-utan, bekantan and various forest orchids. In this area also there is the widest forest ulin in Indonesia. To reach the location of national park is through roadway line Samarinda - Bontang or about 125 Km from Samarinda towards Bontang and continue journey using speed boat towards Kaba Bay that need time 2 hours.


Bontang City

Bontang City is one of town that resides in coastal area in East Kalimantan. One of tourism object in Bontang is Beras Basah Island, which located in offshore of Bontang city, abbout 7 sea miles or 25-35 minutes using speedboat. This island have beautiful panorama, the white sand that outspread along the beach with the beautiful wave, hardly suited for water sport activity like jet propulsion sky and as fluent as wind. Oturism object of Gosong Island is located in north side of Bontang city and is compatible place for they who like to fishing. This island is about 7 sea miles in north side of Bontang, can be gone through using speedboat during 20 minutes. Rent boat to this island can be met in Loktuan, Tanjung Limau and Bontang Kuala port. Resident in Bontang Kuala builds their house above seas. Here there are a number of booths presenting sea dish especially burning fish. Bontang Kuala is place that is good for tourists, who wish to eat fish and enjoy sea panorama.


Tourism Indonesia - Derawan Island

Tourism Indonesia - Derawan Island

Derawan Island is preserve area that went out to sea, part of Sangalaki island, which is located not far from offshore Batu foreland, between Berau and Tarakan. This island has beautiful panorama with clean white coast with adjoining coconut palm forest, and a number of small villages encircle island. This place has known as sea tourism location especially for dive and snorkeling activities. Although situation of outlying, but the popularity of Derawan Island and islands in vicinity increasingly as location sea tourism. The marines around Derawan Island is rich with fish especially a kind of fish that always forage on the surface of water whereas birds fly above it to pounce adrift food on the sea. Green tortoise, which is scarce laid eggs along the Derwan Island beach, is not far from diving Derwan Dive Resort location. You will not meet car or motor in this island while electrics only live a few nocturnal clocks..



Berau regency resides in upstate East Kalimantan Province has with wide region but rare population of resident that is only about 100 thousand men. Tourism potency that grows in this area is sea tourism especially Derawan Island with the beautiful marine park and other islands that entering in Berau regency region. Segah River and Kelai River meet in Berau city, before have estuary to sea. During then, this Berau city ever has become two small empires location that are Gunung Tabur and Sambaliung. The location of those palace is faced each other Gunung Tabur Palace located in Segan riverbank whereas Sambaliung palace reside in Kelai riverbank. Gunung Tabur Palace now functioning as museum, which is containing of various monarchic relics like chair an empire, bed, ceramic that is including a cannon being found in forest by the first king of Gunung Tabur Palace


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