Panajam Pasir Utara
>> Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Deer Breeding is located in Waru District, Penajam Paser Utara regency, according to SK East Kalimantan No14/BPN-16/UM-05/111-1990 is reserved farm with 1000 Ha width for breeding area, but finite has just exploited and have been fenced with 50Ha width. It is build in 1996 last year. The location is side of joint streets Tanah Grogot Penajam (about 103 km from Tanah Grogot). Beside as place of tourism object, this place also applied as place of breeding and conservation various deer population types till now (July 2002) about 109 tails, deer types being breed is Sambar deer (Cervus Unicolor Brokei) and Timor deer (Cervus Timorensis), with detail adult 30 tails, female 35 tails, child and each female child 22 tails. Now have been done cooperation with The Institute of Indonesia Science (LIPI) in 'Potensi Ternak Rusa' sector.