Labuhan Ceremony, Merapi Mountain

>> Monday 9 February 2009

Before the Labuhan ceremony starts, there will be selamatan or kenduri (a ritual asking for successfulness and well-being) in the house of juru kunci (the keeper, person in charge of the area). Some food from the selamatan will be brought together with the Labuhan items to the certain place of performing the labuhan, by walking on foot. Another selamatan is performed again there. The labuhan place locates on kendhit (mid slope) on the southern part of Merapi Mountain. The items or offerings for the Labuhan are placed on a box, and the juru kunci will take the empty old box of last year’s Labuhan ceremony and replace it with the new box of this year’s.

Labuhan on Mount Merapi is dedicated to:
a. Empu Romo
b. Empu Ramadi
c. Gusti Panembahan Prabu Jagad (Sapu Jagad)
d. Krincing Wesi
e. Branjang Kawat
f. Sapu Angin
g. Mbok Ageng Lambang Sari
h. Mbok Nyai Gadhung Mlati
i. Kyai Megantoro

The items that are thrown (dilabuh):
a. Sinjang (a long piece of cloth) of Limar, 1 sheet
b. Sinjang Cangkring, 1 sheet
c. Sumekan (kemben, a cloth used to cover body from the breast) of Bangun Tulak, 1 sheet
d. Sumekan Gadhung, 1 sheet
e. Destar (kind of scarf to cover the head), 1 sheet
f. Penyingset (kind of belt, made of cloth) udaraga, 1 sheet
g. Penyingset jingga, 1 sheet
h. Kambil watangan, 1 sheet
i. Kampuh Poleng, 1 sheet
j. Ses (cigarettes) wangen, 1 contong
k. Selo (kemenyan), ratus (perfurmed powder) and konyoh (param, balm), 1 pouch
l. Yatra (money) tindih of Rp 8.33, put in 1 envelope
m. Pelana kuda (horse saddle), 1 set; this one is only in the year of dal (according to Javanese calendar)
After reciting a prayer lead by juru kunci, the Labuhan ceremony is over.


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